Employee ownership is accessible to everyone at RS&H. Learn how we collectively succeed together.
On one of the Florida Keys’ famous sun-soaked mornings, Jacki Hart offered a breath of fresh air to then CEO of the Keys Chamber of Commerce. Hart was managing the expansive North Roosevelt Blvd project, and maintaining business access along the critical roadway was a hot topic.
RS&H has hired Wendy Griffin in North Carolina to serve as senior tolls technology specialist for the transportation firm’s Tolls Service Group.
RS&H launched Ignite, a Women’s Networking Association in September. The initiative aims to not only empower the women of RS&H through connection and mentoring opportunities but to support the company’s culture of inclusion and give associates an opportunity to participate in like-minded community causes.
Jennifer Youssef, AIA, ACHA, LEED AP has joined RS&H as a vice president in the architecture and engineering firm’s Houston office, where she will lead the healthcare design team.
RS&H Executive Vice President Lisa Robert has been elected to the 14-member board as Vice Chair At-Large. Additionally, Robert will take part in ARTBA’s strategic planning initiative.
Jay Shepard, LEED AP, originally from Chicago, Illinois, will hit his one-year mark at RS&H in October. He leads as the marketing manager for RS&H’s Corporate Practice.
Imagine it’s Friday night after a long day of work. You walk out of your building, exhausted but excited. Instead of going home, you drive straight to your local elementary school. When you arrive, you see a group of parents and young adults walking into the school’s cafeteria.
In honor of National Bow Tie Day we button up our collars and prepare to celebrate, let’s explore the history of the bow tie and its conspicuous connection to the A/E/C industry.
A couple of years ago, Mark was managing a project with little wiggle room in the budget. Stakeholders had a lot of opinions on how to divvy up the funds, and they struggled to come up with a consensus.
Gareth Hanley has stood out since the day he started. Technically, the Aviation planner is excellent. Professionally, he far exceeds expectations. And personally, he’s able to connect with associates and clients alike.
Many airports across the U.S. face the same challenge today: Too many projects on the to-do list with too little funding to take action. Given that air travel is forecast to double in the next 20 years, airports both large and small are in dire need of infrastructure improvements.
Julie’s been with RS&H since 2015 as an environmental planner and has worked her way up to leading the environmental planning service group in Denver, Colorado.
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