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At RS&H, Jacki Hart Leads by Adapting

October 28, 2019      

Tags: Our People

Jacki Hart, CEI Senior Project Engineer, works out of Marathon, Florida, and joined RS&H a little over five years ago. Jacki is a strong, empathetic, well-traveled, daughter of an Air Force pilot.

As a child, Jacki established roots in numerous parts of the United States, including New York, Mississippi, and California. She settled in Florida and has been living here for 30 years.

Looking for a way to gain career experience, Jacki enrolled in a co-op with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers while attending her alma mater, the University of Florida.

During this time, Jacki underwent training in personal development and leadership and simultaneously earned her degree in civil engineering.

Jacki’s experience has coined her the nickname “renaissance woman” by her supervisor, Susan Lake, Vice President, Senior Business Development, who praises Jacki’s leadership technique.

Susan is impressed by her ability to treat everyone equally, almost immediately making connections with her team and the clients of RS&H upon her arrival.

“She always knows what tools to use in her toolbox when dealing with every person and situation she is involved in,” said Susan.

Jacki is a chameleon, adapting to any situation where she is involved. Full of flair and determination, she has brought more than 20 years of experience to RS&H. In doing so, Jacki has exemplified what it takes to balance passion and empathy both at work and at home.

Adapting to Her Position

Jacki leads a group of seven associates in the Florida Keys from mile marker 0 to 126. To ensure her team stays connected, Jacki regularly brings her team together for ice breakers, lunch, or team-building exercises.

Jacki’s commitment to building trust in her team has touched the heart of her employee, CEI Project Administrator Jackson Taylor. Since Jacki’s arrival, Jackson has remained by her side and contributes her adaptive leadership skills to her strong command and flexibility.

Jacki’s strength is not just about her words; she shows her role as a leader through her actions.

In 2017, Jacki showed how far she would go to protect her team.

Jacki’s home, unfortunately, fell victim to Hurricane Irma. While evacuating, she not only kept her family safe, but she also reached out to all her employees, offering any assistance needed to ensure her RS&H family stayed safe as well.

Jacki’s display of support showed her team that they can always depend on her, whether outside or inside the office.

“She allows me to voice what I have to say and will listen,” said Jackson. “She stands by my side to move forward and set expectations.”

Her 24 years of experience before coming to RS&H allowed Jacki to enter on a positive note, exceeding expectations.

“She’s got a great sense of humor, even though her job is super serious,” said Susan. “She is a superwoman, that’s for sure.”

Growth in RS&H

Jacki is firm but realistic, and even though her previous experience made her a great fit, starting over was not easy.

“When I came here, I was uncertain,” she said. “Being with the old company for almost 25 years, when I got here, it was strange starting over with a new firm after so many years.”

Her ability to adapt to the RS&H culture has not gone unnoticed.

Her fellow associates soon realized what a jewel Jacki is and how valuable she is to her field. Vice President Adam Gosselin – who already knew her skillset, having known her for 15 years – said he has grown to think of her as a sister in her time at RS&H.

Life Outside of RS&H

Since her arrival in RS&H, Jacki has done so much good, and when she arrives home, she continues these efforts. Jacki is a wife, a mother, and community leader, fitting into each role effortlessly.

“She shows leadership every day; she’s active in her community through charity and mentoring,” said Susan. “But she still finds time to do a lot of fun things. She makes the work/life balance, more balanced.”

Going above and beyond is what Jacki does. Just one example: she supports the annual Master Chef Classic, a culinary competition where the funds raised go to the Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens (MARC).

Whether it is in her volunteering efforts or work, Jacki approaches everything with empathy rooted in her own experiences.

“Everything that I’ve done in life is not a win or a loss,” she said. “I am thankful when things go right, and I learn from all my mistakes.”

Those who have met Jacki say her lessons in compassion have changed them for the better, as people and professionals.

Impact at RS&H

Though Jacki may be a chameleon, her impact at RS&H throughout the last five years has most certainly not faded into the background, say her fellow associates.

“Being able to handle each situation in its own unique way, she is the epitome of what you would describe leadership as,” said Susan.

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