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I-14 Central Texas Corridor Study

Project Details



Bryan District, TX

Client / Owner

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)


I-14: 125-mile corridor

Loop I-214: 60-mile corridor

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is studying the future for the I-14 central Texas corridor. This 125-mile corridor study, from Rogers in Bell County to Huntsville in Walker County, spans 11 counties in central Texas. The purpose of the I-14 project are to provide safe and reliable east-west connectivity, improve traffic mobility including freight, relieve congestion caused by increasing traffic demand, and support deployment from our military bases to strategic ports and add ability to satisfy future traffic needs arising because of fast population growth in Texas..

RS&H is the Prime Consultant, partnering with TxDOT Bryan District to study an approximately 125-mile corridor that will become the future I-14 Central Texas Corridor. Within the 5,000 square mile study area, the existing key highway facilities that facilitate east-west movement are US 190 and SH 30, connecting many rural and metropolitan networks, goods and services, and other economic opportunities.

Loop I-214 is intended to help facilitate and alleviate traffic through and around the Bryan and College Station areas. Working groups are currently being formed and will consist of a mix of elected officials and non-elected community representatives to help inform project decisions and act as project champions for their communities and organizations, with considerations ranging from the substantial amount of rural land to the largest university in the United States (Texas A&M University in College Station).

This study is anticipated to last approximately 7 years and will prepare TxDOT to move to the next project phases, which include environmental clearance, final design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction.

  • Determine the feasibility of the corridor and route for a roadway to meet interstate standards
  • Provide safe and consistent continuity of the interstate corridor from west Texas to Louisiana
  • Evaluate recently designated future Loop I-214 around the Cities of Bryan and College Station, which is expected to overlap with I-14 as it passes through the Bryan-College Station area
  • Provide feasible alternatives based on data analysis, stakeholder input, public outreach and funding

Both this specific segment of I-14 and Loop I-214 were identified in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), though there have been advocates for the new interstate reaching back several decades. The larger I-14 system is intended to span across the southeast United States, from Augusta, GA, to the Midland-Odessa area in Texas, and will serve to strengthen connectivity and mobility between military installations, in addition to provide enhanced mobility in the region.

To learn more information about this corridor study, visit I-14 Central Texas Corridor Study.

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