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This project involves 4.4-mile widening and reconstruction of the existing highway into a six- to 12-lane highway and adding a new 2.4-mile, four-lane express bridge crossing over Clear Creek Channel at Galveston Bay.
RS&H is providing CEI services for the SH 99 median widening project from FM 1093 to I-10. As Houston’s third and outermost loop, SH 99 acts as a vital pass through for motorists traveling each on I-10 toward Brazoria, Galveston, and south Harris County.
RS&H is the Prime Consultant, partnering with TxDOT Bryan District to study an approximately 125 mile corridor that will become the future I-14 Central Texas Corridor.
RS&H is providing scope validation, engineering review, general, engineering and construction management support services to Fredericksburg District during the procurement, phased design, and construction of the I-95 Fredericksburg Extension P3 project.
The new six-lane divided highway and bridge now serves as a critical hurricane evacuation route, a multi-modal transportation alternative including automobile, bicycle, pedestrian, and public transit accommodations, and includes an ADA-accessible canoe launch area.